
#3 High Wage, High Demand Rank List

Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field that combines several types of engineering—electrical, computer and mechanical. It refers to the skill sets needed in the contemporary, advanced, automated manufacturing industry. Mechatronics specialists create simpler, smarter systems that are essential for automation and manufacturing.

Do you like computers, mechanics or robotics? Do you have a knack for creative problem-solving? Join the Mechatronics Program at the Hillsdale Area Carer Center to learn more about this new and exciting field!


Program Overview

Without HACC, I guarantee that I would not have become the successful engineer that I am today. Nicholas Balbo, former student


meet the instructor


Jason Stych, Instructor

Manufacturing is in dire need of an advanced entry level workforce. It is also needing instructors who have been employed in that environment to guide and pace students through advanced curriculum using sought after metrics from industry. Enter in today's Mechatronics courses for high school students who are able and willing to create new heights within themselves that is a bar above the rest.

Hi, my name is Jason Stych. I have worked in manufacturing for more than thirty years. Holding positions from entry level general operator, Mig welder, machine operator, set-up technician, maintenance technician, tool maker to owning my own job shop building and machining parts, fixtures and gauges for local companies surrounding Litchfield, Michigan.

Becoming a tool maker in my late twenties aided me best in my growth and understanding of how to manufacture products of differing types. Learning about metallurgy, blueprints, GD&T, fixture and gauge building, CNC machining, multi operation job set up, CAD/CAM, the vital usefulness of robotics and automation have all suited me well to pass on what I have learned. As the future of the Mechatronics program grows, we can all eagerly anticipate, formidably learn and grow together.


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