Enrollment for next year!
3 months ago, Jamie Mueller
HACC Enrollment opens 12/9/24
Earn while you learn! Gain experience in a well-paying job and earn nationally recognized credentials without student debt. Consider an apprenticeship as part of your future! #NAW2024 Visit https://www.apprenticeship.gov/ or talk to your counselor today for more information!
3 months ago, Jamie Mueller
National Apprenticeship Week
October is Michigan College Month! A majority of our institutions never have an application fee, and others have agreed to waive their fees in October. It’s a great time for students in the class of 2025 to make plans and submit some applications!
5 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Colleges with no application fee
Colleges with applicaiton fee waivers
Visit our online store and order your HACC Gear today! https://haccfall2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
5 months ago, Jamie Mueller
HACC Gear Sale Sign
HACC is closed for the extended Labor Day weekend.
6 months ago, Jamie Mueller
No School Reminder: Friday August 30 and Monday September 2nd. HACC is closed for the extended Labor Day weekend
More HACC young professionals at last week's big event.
9 months ago, Jamie Mueller
hiring event
hiring event
hiring event
hiring event
hiring event
hiring event
hiring event
hiring event
Sending a great big THANK YOU to all of our partners who attended the Hiring Event last week!
9 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Thank You
lists of employers
list of employers
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2024 Student Hiring Event! This year we connected 222 students, 34 employers, and 76 employer/partner representatives!
9 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Student shaking hands
Student at table
team  building
student at table
virtual welder
student at table
student at table
On May 21st, HACC will host a student orientation day for all new 2024-2025 enrollees. Students will attend the enrollment session that coincides the session they are signed up for. More information to come.....
10 months ago, Jamie Mueller
May 3, 2024: NTHS members will be celebrating Seniors by providing AM Seniors with a Senior Breakfast and PM Seniors with a Taco Bar for Lunch. HACC Bus Drivers are welcome to participate.
10 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Taco Bar
May 3, 2024: NTHS members will be celebrating Seniors by providing AM Seniors with a Senior Breakfast and PM Seniors with a Taco Bar for Lunch. HACC Bus Drivers are welcome to participate.
10 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Senior Breakfast
Virtual Welding @ HACC
10 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Virtual Welding at HACC
#204 mock interviews in 2 days! Thank you to our amazing partners for helping us give students this real-world experience!
10 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Student interviewing
Students interviewing
Students interviewing
Congrats to our first Certified Phlebotomy Technicians this year at HACC! Way to go, Madison (Pathways) and Megan (JHS)!
10 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Health Science Student
Health Science Student
Clean out your closet this spring and donate your gently used, career clothing, shoes, and accessories to the HACC Career Closet! Donated items should be clean, stain-free, and work-appropriate. Donations accepted M-F 8 AM - 3 PM. If you have unsuitable items, drop them in our new recycle bin. All proceeds from the recycle bin go to the HACC Career Closet.
11 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Career Closet Accepting Donations
HACC Clothes Recycle Bin
Save the date! The annual HACC Student Hiring Event will be held on May 7, 2024!
11 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Student Hiring Event Save the Date
Happy Spring Break!
11 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Spring break reminder: 3/25-4/1
HACC Store Open! Many options. Easy online ordering and free delivery to HACC mid-April. $10 Tshirts available. Questions: Contact Heather Robidoux. https://haccspring2024.itemorder.com/
11 months ago, Jamie Mueller
HACC Store Open 3/20-4/5
This week, March 18-22 is Spring Application Week! There are many colleges and universities that never charge an application fee, and others have agreed to waive their fees March 18-22.
11 months ago, Jamie Mueller
Institutions w/No App Fee
Institutions Waiving App Fee
Health Science 1 students are studying the muscular system and applying their knowledge using our Anatomy in Clay models.
about 1 year ago, Jamie Mueller
Anatomy in Clay
Anatomy in Clay 2